Increasing awareness in the community helps those impacted by autism gain acceptance and understanding. Community awareness campaigns are on going.
Parent Mentor Program
Parents offer the best advice and support for others that are experiencing similar situations. Partnering with other parents has been the best form of on-going support. This platform allows for an open and honest discussion ranging from day to day scheduling, working with your school district and selecting the right doctor. By providing insight to the Autism life, parents are able to share their current experiences and motivating others to plan and equip themselves for the various stages of a child’s life.
Support Groups
Support groups are both online and face to face. Meetings are held the last Saturday of the month, September through May. The main objective is to help parents find the best solutions available for their children and touching upon topics that impact the entire family i.e. marriages, single parent, sibling, and extended family members support and others in need of support. General topics ranging from to tactical practices on how to plan the year for your child, funding options, common therapies in the community, and how to work with your school district to have the best results for your child are discussed during the support Groups. Guest speakers with expertise are invited to present with the ultimate goal of empowering families to make sound decision on behalf of their child.
Every first Saturday of the month, EA Solutions hosts an online interactive educational session. Topics for the webinars are designed to assist in helping those on the Autism Spectrum in various ways to live a more fulfilled life. We provide information to help with IEPs (Individual Educational Plan), identifying an area of strength to set a path for vocational training, exposure to available therapies in the community and work in a collaborative effort to assist the Autism community to provide emerging solutions.
EASolutions offer onsite and offsite workshops to promote advocacy for individuals impacted by Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This form of educational awareness and outreach empowers the community with information on how to navigate the system and set goals for your child in their educational setting, helping to identify available therapies (including speech and occupational) and assist in identifying a strength of the individual with ASD so vocational skill can be developed and employment placement would be a reality.
We offer internships or volunteer opportunities which will provide opportunities for involvement in outreach activities and programs in order to have a greater impact for the under-served and under- represented community. One of the activities that volunteers may be involved in is basic education on topics such as identifying vocations skills and programs, securing therapy in various areas of development, and assistance in goal setting in school so transitioning to adulthood would be seamless and purposeful. Such activities shall always be free of charge to participants and will not include compensation to the volunteers.